Parish finance committee
What is it?
A small number of parishioners were approached by the parish priest to form a Parish Finance Committee. The principal aim of the committee is to support the parish priest in the financial matters of the parish. This committee meets periodically to discuss with the parish priest and budget officer the financial details of the parish. **** In due course the minutes of recent meetings will be published on this page *** Save our church The church was opened in September 1852 and from then to the present day it has been expected by each generation that the constant of clergy and church would continue. In current times these 'constants' are very much under threat and one strand of that threat is the ability of the parish to remain financial viable. On that basis the Parish Finance Committee (PFC) wish to show the following data to inform and enlighten friends and parishioners of St. Mary on the Hill, in order that current and future generations may be able to continue to worship and consume the sacraments in our beautiful church. *** Your Parish needs you *** Please Note: 1) The detail provided is not the official accounts of St. Mary on the Hill and therefore some errors and omissions may be apparent. 2) The PFC will endeavour to publish refreshed data at the beginning of the following month. INCOME BREAKDOWN - Errors and omissions excepted
INCOME versus EXPENDITURE - Errors and omissions excepted
FUNDRAISING BREAKDOWN - Errors and omissions excepted (* - cost to be confirmed)
FUNDRAISING TARGET FOR RAMP - Errors and omissions excepted (TARGET to be confirmed)